
Resiflex 210 Acrylic Styrene Resin

Line: Coatings Resins


As it is compatible with different materials such as cement, sand and carbonates, its main application is the manufacture of construction adhesives; paints with high filler (graniplast, marmoplast, etc); and binder for stuccos and spatular putties, also in highly resistant paints for interiors and exteriors. It can be used as a primer or pore sealer in concrete and as a waterproofing auxiliary, since it favors the penetration on the mortar or concrete. It is recommended to apply 3 coats maximum, diluting 1:1 in water and allowing the complete drying between coats. The film formation temperature can be reduced by the addition of some glycols and coalescents, for which it is recommended to perform previous compatibility tests. Its medium viscosity is adequate for different uses, however, if it is desired to adjust it, a cellulose derived thickener such as hydroxyethylcellulose or an associative thickener such as Resiflex TLA 30™ can be added.


Calle 9, Nro. 23. La Barraca.
Maracay - Edo. Aragua. Venezuela.



Contact Numbers:

+ 58 243 233 03 08
+58 412 897 59 24
